Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Proverbial Dusting Off

There are enough exciting things happening in our lives that I thought it would be a good idea to reboot the blog and possibly try to keep up with it again. 

And so, I'm blowing the figurative dust off of this old blog. 

In the past year, I've started writing this post several times -- each time with a new update on what we were doing (selling our house! buying land and building a house! never mind! not buying land and building a house! moving to South Carolina! never mind! staying here!) 

So, here's a brief recap and timeline on what's been going on with us in the past year. Of course, this list only recounts the things that actually happened; it doesn't even touch all of the things that we talked about and planned to do (and even started putting into motion!) and then didn't do -- perhaps that's another post for another time. 

In February, we found out we were expecting a baby in November. 

In March, we put our house on the market. 

In May, we announced the pregnancy. 

In June, we found out that we would be having a baby girl! (Sweet baby sister)

In July, we sold our house and moved into an apartment. 

In November, we had Savannah Tate (all the heart eyes)!

In December, we bought a house! 

And in January of 2018, we moved into our new house in our new neighborhood and started a new year out in a flurry of transitions and changes. 

Which brings us to where we are now -- settling into our new-to-us home and our life as a family of four (which is a whole new brand of chaos that I had been warned about but didn't comprehend until I experienced -- much like an expanding capacity for love with the birth of another child). 

I fiercely love my people, and I love this crazy life, and perhaps I'll start chronicling things here again -- especially since we have a whole new list of house projects to tackle! 

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