It has been a looooong time since I've had a blog. Like, back to the Xanga days. I've come many years and many miles since then, and hopefully my writing (or blogging?) skills have improved since then.
This is mainly just for cataloging our house projects as we tackle different ways of adding our own touch to the house we now call home.
And I guess I'll start it off with a pretty big project: The Farmhouse Table. Ever since we bought our house last March, we have talked about having a big, rustic farmhouse table in the dining room. Richard sourced reclaimed wood from my cousin's land in Farmville (real place, not the -- defunct?-- one on Facebook). He and a friend went out to the land and took down an old shed that my cousins wanted removed, and Richard brought a whole lot of old lumber home with him.
He dried the wood, choose several pieces that matched, and cut them to size. Then he brought the wood inside to acclimate to the humidity and temperature inside before building the table.
He worked from a design plan that we came up with together. I told him that I didn't want four legs, I'd rather have a central beam with two legs (I don't think those are technical terms) so that we could have a bench on one side. That way people sitting on the bench wouldn't need to move the entire thing back to get out; they could just slide off one end.
The table legs -- and some random artwork and posters that haven't found homes yet.
That's half of the tabletop assembled with the other half still in board pieces.
And there is the grand tabletop (the underside of it). It's big. And it's not even finished in this photo. He added a horizontal board to either end to give it a more finished look.
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