Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Newborn Photos

Remember when I had those awesome maternity photos taken by the talented Alex Tenser

Well, she had a great deal of getting both maternity photos and newborn photos, and now that our sweet little babe is home, she came by and took some photos last Thursday. Just like last time, I am thrilled with how they turned out! She captured all of the neat, little details of his nursery, and she got great pictures of Bear with Richard, me, and all three of us together as a family. 

My dear friend Cecelia (Alex's aunt), came over and did my makeup for me, which made this postpartum mama feel pretty for the first time in quite a while since caring for a newborn usually takes precedence over personal appearance. 

Towards the end of the photo session, I wanted to bring Lola in to get some good pictures of her interacting with Barrett. Usually, she bee-lines to him to sniff him and make sure everything's fine. She always wants to be close to him, and she investigates anyone who's holding him. Not this time. It was like she only cared about the camera. 

She pranced right in and sat and posed for pictures. She hardly even turned around to check Barrett out. That crazy dog. 

My whole heart!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The last of the bump pictures...

Ok, I know now that he's here no one wants to see pictures of this momma's growing belly, but just to round things out since I tracked the pictures all along, here are the pictures from June and the very beginning of July (since the little bugger was overdue by a week). 

It's a little bit strange to look back on these pictures and think of my sweet, little baby growing stronger and bigger throughout all of these weeks and months. 

6/2/15 -- 36 weeks 1 day in Duck, NC for vacay with friends and my love!
6/3/15 -- 36 weeks 2 days Duck, NC getting some ice cream
6/4/15 -- 36 weeks 3 days
6/5/15 -- 36 weeks 4 days

6/7/15 -- 36 weeks 6 days
6/8/15 -- 37 weeks
6/10/15 -- 37 weeks 2 days
6/12/15 -- 37 weeks 4 days

6/13/15 -- 37 weeks 5 days
6/15/15 -- 38 weeks
6/18/15 -- 38 weeks 3 days
6/22/15 -- 39 weeks

6/24/15 -- 39 weeks 2 days
6/25/15 -- 39 weeks 3 days
6/26/15 -- 39 weeks 4 days -- trying to walk the boy out of there (didn't work)
6/28/15 -- 39 weeks 6 days

6/29/15 -- 40 weeks! Barrett's due date!
7/1/15 -- 40 weeks 2 days -- telling him it's time to come out!
7/2/15 -- 40 weeks 3 days
7/4/15 -- 40 weeks 5 days -- last picture before his birth!

Eyes on the prize! And what a prize indeed. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Barrett Edward Surber

Be still, my heart!

My baby boy is here! We are so, so deeply in love with him -- sometimes I cry just thinking about how much I love him. He's perfect, and we are so thrilled that God blessed us with this beautiful gift. 

I'll post his birth story later (something I never thought I'd say), but in the meantime, here are some pictures of the little sweetie. 

He was born on July 5th at 11:07 pm, weighing 7 lb 10 oz, measuring 21 inches long. 

Photo credit to Jordan Rodericks and Melanie Cox, the dueling Spang photographers.