Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Painted Pool Room!

Remember when we were deciding which of the beautiful teal paint colors would be deemed the fairest of them all? Well, we decided. 

Turns out we picked the one I thought would have landed in a solid third place. Benjamin Moore's Dark Harbor held my heart from the minute I saw it, and Richard's vote was always for the more navy-blue-hued Martha Stewart Plumage. 

Neither of those won out. We chose Glidden's Totally Teal. 

Since we had the paint choices up on the walls for weeks, we had lots of votes for all of the colors (although very few votes for Dark Harbor -- maybe all of those votes came from me). We viewed the colors in daylight. We viewed them at night. We viewed them with the lights and with the lights off. And we decided that Dark Harbor was too, well, dark. Plumage was too navy and not teal enough for my tastes, so we landed on Totally Teal. 

Richard bought the paint, and I intended to work on it after work in the evenings a couple weeks ago. But, of course, he surprised and had the whole room painted when I got home from work on Tuesday of that week. He's seriously the best. 

We both really like the way the dark walls make the white trim pop, so I'm thinking of doing all white frames in there for the artwork.

Here are a few excellently-framed photos of the room just after being painted. I'll add more photos with the room back in order. 

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