Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Crabtree Falls

Last Saturday, we had an adventure. We hiked Crabtree Falls, and we brought Lola with us. She loved the hike. She loved the people and the other dogs and being outside and the new smells. She did not love the windy drive up the mountain to the trailhead (read: there were a few dog-barfs). 

It was a beautiful fall day -- perfect for hiking. And the hike was a good one, too. It was 3.4 miles to the top and back, but it was a little bit steep and kind of rocky. Definitely a good half-day hike. 

Suns out, guns out.

Lola wanted in on the selfies. 

Per the many warnings posted at the trail head and along the trail, we learned that 23 people have died on these falls. (The hike itself is not dangerous -- it's the climbing out on the slippery rocks that is where the danger lies.) These wind chimes were placed as a memorial for one of those people. 

A pretty fall leaf, some rock stacks (I've read that these are called "ducks"), and my two loves. 

More fascination with the phone.

One section of the falls on the hike to the top. I really liked that the trail follows close to the falls for about the first half mile or so.

The view from the top!
I got this crazy picture from a messed up panorama shot. Just some rock face and some tree lines. 

Oh yeah, on the way there, my dusty, little Saturn turned 200,000 miles! What! 

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